
families are forever

families are forever

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Snowed In!!!!!!!

In my 34 years I don't ever remember church being cancelled because of snow! That is exactly what happened today. Since it is Super Bowl Sunday, it was fun to be snowed in and have fun with the family. The kids went outside and built a snow fort and went sledding, we have a great yard for sledding. Keslie and Emily played guitar hero. It's been a great day. Here are some pic's of the snow fort and the boys sledding. I also threw in a pic of Bryson's new brace face!


Linda said...

Looks like a very fun and relaxing day! Sometimes we all just need a day where the world stops and we can enjoy the little things and spend time with our family! Love to all G. Linda

6 P's in a Pod said...

Dang! In all my life living here in Utah they've never cancelled church because of snow. That is WILD!