
families are forever

families are forever

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Keslie's Party

Keslie is a very sweet girl! She planned a surprise birthday party for her friend Mckenzie. It was at our house. She did a great job her friends had fun eating pizza, watching a movie and playing night games! She even cleaned up after. How could I ask for more? She's an amazing young woman and a good friend.

She even let her two little sisters come to the party. Aww....aren't my 3 girls cute!!!!


6 P's in a Pod said...

I am so impressed with Keslie. Especially that she invited her two little sisters to join the fun. I KNOW my older sister would NOT have invited me and I would have wanted to come. Please tell her I think she's amazing!

Linda said...

Yes, I agree that you have three beautiful girls and since they are my granddaughers who an I to disagree! I am grateful that Kes in growning into such a lovely young women. She has a heart and that is wonderful!

onecent said...

what a sweetheart Kes is! I am glad the girls had fun!